The Odisha has been experiencing devastating and dreadful natural calamities such as Super Cyclone, recurring of Floods, Droughts etc. affecting major parts of the State causing heavy damage & loss of valuable lives, Kinsmen, properties, bags and bagages etc. during the period of last 10 years . A major portion of the population in Odisha comes under below poverty line. The frequent emergence of Natural disasters exhaust the life style of these poor vulnerable people damaging a large volume of valuable Lives and Properties . The poor families are the worst suffers during presence of such Natural disasters and are miserable affected in consequence. The Rural Sector is seriously prone to frequent disasters and the sustenance of life style is becoming more pathetic and tragedy. In this regard, the Society organized villages under its jurisdiction and conducted disaster preparedness trainings in each village. The Village Development Committees were formed in each villages in the respective project area and trainings and orientations were done to increase the capacity and knowledge of such inhabitants to face the natural calamities. During this year of 2015-16 a total 7 nos of Camps were organized at the Block Head Quarter of Nimapara, Gop, Kakatpur, Astaranga and Puri Sadar i.e one in each block in the district of Puri involve the youths and impart trainings . The Technical Persons from the reputed institutes were participated in the programs. And a total of 210 youths out of which 150 male and 60 are female participated in this programs.