The Organization has been working for the weaker sections of the people giving top priority to Schedule Caste, Schedule Tribes, Minority and other vulnerable groups of the Society. In this context, the Society resolved to bring the drop out children for schooling and inclusion of other Child Labourers in the educational stream by means of encouraging them with supply of Educational & Play materials for those non-schooling students who belong to particularly poor & vulnerable groups for Primary Education . The Children are being ensured for schooling by means of providing them the Text Books, Study materials, Toys, and other game instruments for the purpose of restoration of their schooling. In this regard, there were 250 nos of children under Nimapara Block in the district of Puri provided with Text Books, Slates, pencils, Books, along with Toys and game materials . The scheduled programs were held in the concerned School s and distributed the same with the help of respective School Teachers, PRI Members and guardians of the concerned villages so as to encourage the parents of the children to take proper interest for schooling of their children’s for education.