The Environment has been turned into a crucial chapter at global point considering the safety and security of the Man, Animals, Plants including other bio-diversities on this earth. The Environment degradation has been seriously reflected in various fields such as Global warming, Agriculture, Rainfalls, Water resource, Factories, Productions, Industries and several other Commercial units expeditiously. There is no other ways and means except restoration of a eco-friendly environment for sustenance of this mankind on this earth. In this connection, the Society sought collective initiative of the people by protecting degraded environment with practical delivery of constructive activities towards environment protection . Thus , the organization conducted regular Awareness campaigns at Nimapara, Gop , Kakatpur, Astaranga and Puri Sadar Blocks of Puri district particularly in the identified villages . During this year the Society has organized the School children, Teachers and volunteers of the respective villages and held rallies in different Gram Panchayats to save the environment by means of individual efforts and collective activities . The Students worked as peer educators in this concept. The campaign was made successful through distribution of brochures, fixing big poster and pamphlets in the walls and conspicuous places of the different villages of the concerned district. A total of 5 nos of Campaign organized in five Blocks such as: Nimapara, Gop, Kakatpur, Astaranga and Puri Sadar in the district of Puri .The beneficiaries involved in this programs are from - Self Help Groups, Mahila Samities, Local NGOs, and CBOs to sensitize the people in general. The participants being 240 i.e Male 180 and 60 female members of the respective communities attended the programs organized by the society during the year 2015-16.