The Organization has been associated deeply having close affinity and rapports with various communities on the aspect during implementation of several Welfare and developmental activities. The organization seeks the active cooperation and involvement of the concerned communities during the project activities. As a social obligation and being the part and parcel of different communities the Society is witnessing on several Festive occasions and cultural programs organized by the community concerned. Therefore, on the initiatives of the organization the Dramas, folk dances, song competitions, etc. are organized in each year where the large numbers of people including men and women meet together for exchange of ideas, views and entertainment. Our Society avails this opportunity to address the problems, such as drug addiction, deforestation, superstition, illiteracy, abuse of environment etc. in the form of entertainment i.e. drama, folk, dance etc. Involving the local youths for receiving wider public response. In this connection, the Organization facilitates Local Fold dances, Dramas, Sankirtans, and other Melas, for the purpose togetherness and unity among diversified groups. During this year of report the Society has organized Folk dances, Dramas in the district of Puri for the purpose of heritage preservation and cultural high lights with special focus.