“S.P.FOUNDATION” is committed and determined to meet a target for plantation of 20,000 saplings in this year with the help of common people . The plantation was done in village forests, Community Land including their private lands/orchards. Top priority was also given for the village forests in this regard. The plantation undertaken by the individuals are advised to take care of the saplings till their full growth and survival of the plants during the coming years. The selected plantation done by the different individuals proved to be successful achievement in case of proper care and attention. The plantations include the species of Casurina, Mango, Chakhunda, Eucalypts, Akashi, Gambhari, Tinia etc. Being the local varieties and practically useful for fulfilling the requirements of domestic requirements of wood and fuel woods for the people in large scale and simultaneously protection of degraded environment during the coming days. The plantations done in the district of Puri l i.e Nimapara, Gop, Kakatpur, Astaranga and Puri Sadar Block.