According to statistics and population data of Odisha , 80% of the people practically living in rural areas depend on agriculture as their principal livelihood. It has been experienced with much tragedy that frequent floods, droughts and other natural disasters responsible for discouraging the farming to accept and consider the agriculture as their livelihood resource . Because, scanty and irregular rain falls destroy the crops prior to reaching in harvesting stage . In this regard, there has been a lot of pathetic and grim affairs experienced by the people. Because, many more farmer’s death and suicidal episodes are our past records. The matter was seriously taken up by the founder members of the society and it was decided to organize the farmers of different adopted districts and impart technical trainings about sustainable agriculture. During the reporting year of 2015-16 , there were a total of 10 nos of Workshop held in Nimapada, Gop, Kakatpur, Astaranga and Puri Sadar Blocks of Puri district i.e. two in each Block to sensitize the traditional farmer Groups about various processes and techniques of Sustainable Agriculture and innovative procedures of Crops, selection of Seeds, process of low cost cultivation, application and use of indigenous technologies for agricultural purposes. A total of 420 farmers participated in the training camps and received the relevant and latest information about agricultural activities and available technologies for improvement of their productivity capacity. In order to educate the trainees Professional & Technical Personnel’s were invited from the district Agriculture Office and professional personnel’s from reputed institutions. Agriculture Office, Puri for successful implementation of the programs.