The Water & Sanitation is a co-related chapter for a healthy Society. The Water crisis during the coming decades is a matter of great concern. Majority of the people lack practical knowledge about safe drinking water and its use for sake of good health and problem free body. During our base line survey conducted earlier, it was revealed that The Organization in fact has been working at Grass Root level particularly for a long period & basically in rural based areas where large nos of people are deprived of from availing Safe Drinking Water. Majority of them have no knowledge about what is called Safe Drinking Water and from where it can be procured. The necessity of awareness is essentially an effort to save the people from regular infections by using unsafe water and causing a great volume of health hazards and un-necessary expenditures in this regard. It has been experienced that, the people of our project area usually suffer from Water Borne diseases, such as malaria, Fevers, diarrhea, scabies, skin diseases, worm problems and other serious disease like hepatitis, typhoid’s, flu’s, etc. and the reason is use of unsafe drinking water. Thus, the Society decided to conduct Workshops regarding use of safe Drinking Water in the district of Puri particularly. There were a total of 10 nos of workshops were organized in Nimapara , Gop ,Kakatpur ,Astaranga and Puri Sadar Block of Puri district. A total of 250 beneficiaries i.e. 150 male and 100 female involved in the program. The Workshops conducted by the Resource Persons like Health Experts, Doctors, and professional personnel’s to educate and sensitize the people.